土星一宮:Beware beginnings. (慎始為上。)
土星二宮:Waste not, want not. (儉以防匱。)
土星三宮:Few words are best. (寡言為貴。)
土星四宮:Acciedents will happen in the best regulated family. (即使家教嚴,醜事總難免。)
土星五宮:No pleasure without pain. (沒有無痛苦的快樂。)
土星六宮:Study sickness while you are well. (無病應思有病時。)
土星七宮:It is good to marry late or never. (晚婚或不婚,都是好事情。)
土星八宮:Sorrow comes unsent for. (悲哀來時不須邀。)
土星九宮:There is no royal road to learning. (學問無坦途。)
土星十宮:The path to glory is always rugged. (光榮之路常坎坷。)
土星十一宮:A faithful friend is hard to find. (忠誠朋友實難求。)
土星十二宮:He who avoids temptation avoids the sin. (不受誘惑就免於罪惡。)